Box 01
Contains 17 Results:
Detroit Starts vs. Chicago American Giants; scored, 1920 September 12
Series V are scorecards from the Negro Leagues, including an East vs West game at Yankee Stadium, dated between 1894 and 1961.
East - West All-Star Baseball Classic program (not scored); Comiskey Park, 1946 August 18
Series V are scorecards from the Negro Leagues, including an East vs West game at Yankee Stadium, dated between 1894 and 1961.
East - West All-Star Baseball Classic program (not scored); Comiskey Park, 1949 August 14
Series V are scorecards from the Negro Leagues, including an East vs West game at Yankee Stadium, dated between 1894 and 1961.
Philadelphia Stars vs Black Yankees, 3 games; May 11, 1941 scored; Yankee Stadium, 1940-1941
Series V are scorecards from the Negro Leagues, including an East vs West game at Yankee Stadium, dated between 1894 and 1961.
Birmingham Black Barons vs Black Yankees; Yankee Stadium, 1941
Series V are scorecards from the Negro Leagues, including an East vs West game at Yankee Stadium, dated between 1894 and 1961.
Philadelphia Stars vs Cuban Stars (6 copies); Yankee Stadium, 1941
Series V are scorecards from the Negro Leagues, including an East vs West game at Yankee Stadium, dated between 1894 and 1961.
Homestead Grays vs Cuban Stars; Yankee Stadium, 1941
Series V are scorecards from the Negro Leagues, including an East vs West game at Yankee Stadium, dated between 1894 and 1961.
Memphis Red Sox vs Cuban Stars, 1941
Series V are scorecards from the Negro Leagues, including an East vs West game at Yankee Stadium, dated between 1894 and 1961.
KC Monarchs vs Cuban Stars (2 copies), 1941
Series V are scorecards from the Negro Leagues, including an East vs West game at Yankee Stadium, dated between 1894 and 1961.
KC Monarchs vs Newark Eagles, 1941
Series V are scorecards from the Negro Leagues, including an East vs West game at Yankee Stadium, dated between 1894 and 1961.